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Month: May 2024

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Tips for Decluttering Your Home for the Summer Season

A clean, organized living space can enhance your well-being and help you make the most of the sunny days ahead. Here are some practical tips to guide you through the decluttering process and create a serene and clutter-free home environment…

Moving Tips for Urban City Residents: A Guide to a Smooth Transition

Moving in an urban environment comes with its own set of challenges. From navigating narrow streets to finding suitable parking for a moving truck, urban residents need to plan meticulously to ensure a seamless move. At modSTORAGE, we understand these unique challenges and are here to provide you with essential tips to make your urban move as stress-free as possible…


A Plant Lover’s Guide to Self Storage

Whether you’re dealing with seasonal changes, moving, or simply running out of space, knowing how to store your plants properly is crucial to their survival and growth. This guide offers practical tips and suggestions for plant enthusiasts, including the innovative use of self-storage to keep your green friends healthy and thriving…


Flat Rate Moving powered by modMOVERS

modSTORAGE along with modMOVERS are committed to making your move, and storage experience as easy and seamless as possible. Call us to book your move or reserve your storage unit at 831-375-5351 or email us at