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5’x5′ Self Storage Units at modSTORAGE

Are you considering a 5x5 storage unit but are not quite sure if it’s the right size for your needs? Let the experts at modSTORAGE help you find the right unit!
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Small Space, Big Storage


For students in dorms, travelers in transit, or professionals with limited office space, mini storage lockers offer a convenient and secure solution to keep personal belongings safe.

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Climate Control


Many indoor storage facilities offer climate-controlled units, maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level. This is crucial for storing items that can be damaged by extreme cold, heat, or fluctuations in humidity, like wood furniture, musical instruments, photographs, and wine.

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24-7 Monitored Security Cameras & Gated Access


Enjoy peace of mind knowing your boat and belongings are safe within our gated facilities. Monitored 24-7, with bluetooth access you control!

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5'x5' Self Storage Units

Everything You Need to Know About Our 5'x5' Storage Units

Are you considering a 5×5 storage unit but not quite sure if it’s the right size for your needs? Let’s dive into what makes these compact storage solutions a smart choice for many people. In this section, we’ll explore everything you need to know about 5×5 storage units, from how to decide if it’s the right size for you to tips for maximizing your storage space. Let’s unlock the potential of these versatile units together.

A 5×5 storage unit, as the name suggests, offers a space of 5 feet by 5 feet. This might sound small at first, but you’d be surprised at how much you can fit inside. Think of it as about the size of a large closet in your home. It’s perfect for storing a few pieces of furniture, boxes of personal items, seasonal decorations, or sports equipment.

When comparing this to other storage unit sizes, the 5×5 shines due to its affordability and practicality for those who don’t have a ton of stuff but still need extra space. While larger units like the 10×10 or 10×20 provide more room, they come with a higher price tag and might be more than what many people require.

The ideal uses for a 5×5 storage unit are vast. Whether you’re a college student needing a place for your belongings over the summer break, a small business looking for extra inventory space, or simply decluttering your home, a 5×5 unit offers a great blend of space and value.

Maximizing space: A neatly organized 5×5 storage unit filled with boxes, compact furniture, and cherished personal items. 

Smart storage solutions at work: Inside a well-arranged 5×5 storage unit showcasing how boxes, sleek furniture, and personal treasures are stored with care and efficiency, making the most of every inch.

5x5 - Storage Unit - Visual Guide by modSTORAGE

FAQs About 5x5 Storage Units

What exactly can I fit in a 5×5 storage unit? A 5×5 unit is ideal for storing personal items, small furniture pieces like a desk or a dresser, several boxes, and other small items. It’s perfect for seasonal storage, such as holiday decorations, sports equipment, or extra inventory for small businesses.

How much does a 5×5 storage unit cost? The cost can vary widely depending on your location, the facility’s amenities, and whether the unit is climate-controlled. On average, prices range from $40 to $120 per month. Always check for promotions or discounts that can apply.

Is a 5×5 storage unit secure? Most storage facilities offer robust security features including surveillance cameras, gated access, individual alarms for units, and on-site management to ensure the safety of your belongings.

Do I need climate-controlled storage for my items? If you’re storing sensitive items like electronics, wooden furniture, or documents, a climate-controlled unit is recommended to protect against damage from extreme temperatures or humidity.

What should I know about the rental agreement? It’s important to understand the terms of your rental, including payment schedules, the facility’s policies on late payments, and any fees related to early termination of your contract.

Should I insure the items in my storage unit? While many facilities offer some level of security, having insurance for your stored items can provide extra peace of mind. Check if your homeowners or renters insurance covers items stored off-premises or consider purchasing additional insurance through the storage facility.

Can I access my 5×5 unit at any time? Access hours vary by facility. Some offer 24/7 access, while others restrict access to business hours. Consider how frequently you need to access your items when choosing a facility.

How can I maximize the space in my 5×5 storage unit? Using shelving units can help maximize vertical space, and storing items in clear, labeled bins can make organization easier. Consider dismantling larger items to save space.

How long can I rent a 5×5 storage unit? Rental periods are flexible, with most facilities offering month-to-month leases. Some may offer discounts for longer-term commitments.

Can I switch to a larger unit if I run out of space? Yes, most storage facilities are accommodating if you need to upgrade to a larger unit. It’s best to discuss this possibility upfront to understand any potential costs or policies involved.

Unlocking the Potential of 5x5 Storage Units

Throughout our exploration of 5×5 storage units, we’ve uncovered the versatility and value these compact spaces offer. Whether you’re decluttering your home, storing seasonal items, or managing excess business inventory, a 5×5 unit provides an affordable, secure, and accessible solution to your storage needs. With the ability to fit a surprising amount of items, from small furniture pieces to boxes filled with personal treasures, these units are a testament to the adage that great things come in small packages.

Key points to remember include:

  • Versatility: 5×5 units cater to a wide range of storage needs, from personal belongings to business inventory.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: These units are an economical choice, offering valuable space for your items without breaking the bank.
  • Security and Access: With robust security features and flexible access options, you can rest assured that your belongings are safe and accessible when you need them.
  • Climate Control: For sensitive items, opting for a climate-controlled unit can protect against environmental damages.

We invite you to explore our range of 5×5 storage unit options. Discover the perfect space solution tailored to your specific needs. Our team is ready to assist you with expert advice, helping you maximize your storage strategy efficiently and effectively.

Ready to transform the way you store? Contact us today or visit our website for more information. Let us help you unlock the full potential of a 5×5 storage unit, providing you with the space you need to live and work clutter-free.

FAQ: About 5'x5' Self Storage Units

By choosing a 5x5 storage unit, you're not just finding a place to store your items; you're unlocking the potential to live a more organized, clutter-free life.

When it comes to optimizing a modest 5×5 storage unit, understanding what can fit inside is key. This compact space, equivalent to a large walk-in closet, might surprise you with its versatility. Here’s how to make the most of it:

A Detailed List of Items: Primarily, a 5×5 unit can comfortably hold small to medium-sized furniture pieces, such as a dresser, a small mattress set, or a desk. You can also store several medium-sized boxes stacked on top of each other. Electronics, seasonal gear, and personal items fit nicely too, making it an ideal choice for storing off-season clothing, sports equipment, or your collection of books and records.

Visual Examples and Diagrams: Imagine a neatly organized closet. Boxes are stacked in one corner, labeled for easy identification. A small desk and chair are tucked against one wall, with a disassembled bed frame and mattress leaning on another. Electronics like a TV or computer monitor are safely stored in their original packaging. Visualizing this layout can help you plan your unit’s arrangement for easy access and optimal use of space.

Tips for Maximizing Space:

    • Use Shelving: Vertical space is often underutilized. By adding freestanding shelves, you can dramatically increase your storage capacity.
    • Disassemble Furniture: Break down larger items to save space. Store table legs separately from tabletops, and stack chairs.
    • Label Everything: Keep track of what’s stored by labeling boxes and bins. This not only saves time when looking for items but helps in organizing.
    • Strategic Placement: Place items you’ll need access to near the front of the unit. Seasonal items or things you won’t need right away can go towards the back.
    • Use Clear Bins: Clear storage bins are great for seeing what’s inside without opening them, making it easier to organize and find items.

By following these strategies, you can fit a surprising amount of belongings into your 5×5 storage unit. With a bit of planning and organization, this space can serve as an extension of your home, providing a secure spot for the things you love but don’t have room for every day.

Benefits of Choosing a 5×5 Storage Unit

Opting for a 5×5 storage unit comes with a plethora of advantages that extend beyond mere space-saving. This compact and efficient choice is tailor-made for those seeking a blend of affordability, convenience, and flexibility. Let’s delve into the key benefits:

    • Cost-effectiveness: The most apparent advantage of a 5×5 storage unit is its affordability. Its smaller size translates to lower rental costs, making it an ideal option for those on a budget or with limited storage needs. It’s perfect for storing items without overcommitting financially to space you don’t require.
    • Convenience for Small-Scale Storage Needs: For individuals, couples, or small families looking to declutter their living space or store seasonal items, the 5×5 unit offers just the right amount of space. Its compact size is surprisingly spacious, able to house several boxes, a mattress set, a few pieces of furniture, or your sports equipment. This makes it an excellent choice for temporary or seasonal storage needs.
    • Flexibility for Personal and Business Use: The versatility of a 5×5 storage unit is unmatched. For personal use, it’s perfect for transitioning between life events, such as moving or downsizing. For businesses, this space can serve as an off-site inventory closet, document storage, or equipment holding area. The ability to upsize or downsize based on current needs adds to its appeal, providing a flexible solution that can adapt over time.

Moreover, many storage facilities offer features like climate-controlled units, enhanced security, and 24/7 access, ensuring that your belongings are safe and accessible whenever you need them. This combination of affordability, convenience, and flexibility makes the 5×5 storage unit an outstanding choice for a wide range of storage needs, whether for personal treasures or business assets.

Opting for a 5×5 storage unit comes with a plethora of advantages that extend beyond mere space-saving. This compact and efficient choice is tailor-made for those seeking a blend of affordability, convenience, and flexibility. Let’s delve into the key benefits:

    • Cost-effectiveness: The most apparent advantage of a 5×5 storage unit is its affordability. Its smaller size translates to lower rental costs, making it an ideal option for those on a budget or with limited storage needs. It’s perfect for storing items without overcommitting financially to space you don’t require.
    • Convenience for Small-Scale Storage Needs: For individuals, couples, or small families looking to declutter their living space or store seasonal items, the 5×5 unit offers just the right amount of space. Its compact size is surprisingly spacious, able to house several boxes, a mattress set, a few pieces of furniture, or your sports equipment. This makes it an excellent choice for temporary or seasonal storage needs.
    • Flexibility for Personal and Business Use: The versatility of a 5×5 storage unit is unmatched. For personal use, it’s perfect for transitioning between life events, such as moving or downsizing. For businesses, this space can serve as an off-site inventory closet, document storage, or equipment holding area. The ability to upsize or downsize based on current needs adds to its appeal, providing a flexible solution that can adapt over time.
      Moreover, many storage facilities offer features like climate-controlled units, enhanced security, and 24/7 access, ensuring that your belongings are safe and accessible whenever you need them. This combination of affordability, convenience, and flexibility makes the 5×5 storage unit an outstanding choice for a wide range of storage needs, whether for personal treasures or business assets.

By choosing a 5×5 storage unit, you’re not just finding a place to store your items; you’re unlocking the potential to live a more organized, clutter-free life.

Finding the perfect 5×5 storage unit involves more than just picking the nearest facility. It’s about balancing your needs with what’s available, ensuring that your belongings are stored safely and accessibly. Here’s how to navigate the selection process, focusing on location, climate control, security, and the right questions to ask.

    • Consider Location: The location of your storage unit can significantly impact its convenience and usage. A facility close to your home or workplace means easier access to your items. Consider how often you’ll need to visit the unit and choose a location that minimizes travel time and inconvenience.
    • Climate Control is Key for Sensitive Items: If you plan to store items sensitive to temperature or humidity changes, like electronics, wood furniture, or personal documents, a climate-controlled unit is essential. These units maintain a consistent environment, protecting your belongings from extreme temperatures and moisture.
    • Don’t Compromise on Security: The security of your chosen facility should be a top priority. Look for features like 24/7 surveillance cameras, gated access, individual unit alarms, and on-site staff. These elements ensure your items are protected against theft and damage.

Questions to Ask When Renting a Storage Unit:

    1. What are your access hours? Ensure they match your schedule.
    2. Do you offer insurance, or do I need to provide my own? Understanding insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your belongings.
    3. Can I upgrade or downsize my unit if needed? Flexibility can be valuable as your storage needs change.
    4. Are there any hidden fees or charges? Ask about administration fees, security deposits, and late payment penalties.
    5. What measures do you take for pest control and cleanliness? A well-maintained facility is less likely to have issues with pests and mold.

By thoroughly researching and considering these factors, you can confidently choose the right 5×5 storage unit that meets your needs, provides value for money, and ensures the safety and preservation of your stored items.

A well-organized 5×5 storage unit can surprisingly hold a lot more than you think. By following a strategic approach to packing and utilizing the right supplies, you can maximize your storage space effectively. Here’s how to do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Packing and Organizing:

    1. Inventory Everything: Before you start, list all items you plan to store. This helps in deciding what goes in first and what can be stacked.
    2. Dismantle Larger Items: Break down furniture into smaller pieces. This not only saves space but also makes transporting and storing these items easier.
    3. Utilize Boxes of Similar Sizes: This makes stacking easier and more stable, optimizing vertical space.
    4. Label Everything: Clearly label each box with its contents and which room it belongs to. Consider using different colored labels for easy identification.

Recommended Storage Supplies and Materials:

    • Sturdy cardboard or plastic boxes
    • Packing tape for securing boxes
    • Bubble wrap or packing paper for fragile items
    • Dust covers for furniture protection
    • Markers for labeling
    • Shelving units to maximize vertical space

Innovative Storage Solutions and Hacks:

    • Vertical Space is Your Friend: Use shelving units to take advantage of the unit’s height. Shelves can hold boxes and create more floor space for larger items.
    • Vacuum Seal Bags: For soft items like clothing, bedding, and curtains, vacuum seal bags can drastically reduce the volume they take up.
    • Inside Out: Store smaller items inside larger ones. For example, fill a wardrobe with boxes or suitcases to utilize every inch of space.
    • Wall Hooks and Pegboards: If your storage facility allows it, installing hooks or pegboards on walls can be a great way to hang tools, bicycles, or seasonal gear.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only keep your 5×5 storage unit organized but also ensure easy access to your belongings whenever you need them. Remember, the goal is to make the most out of every square foot, keeping items protected and accessible.

When selecting a 5×5 storage unit, deciding between climate-controlled and standard options can significantly impact the safety and preservation of your stored items. Understanding the differences and benefits of each can help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of Climate-Controlled Units: Climate-controlled storage units maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level, protecting sensitive items from extreme weather conditions and fluctuations. These units are ideal for items prone to damage from heat, cold, or moisture. The controlled environment also reduces the risk of mold, mildew, and pests, ensuring your belongings stay in top condition over time.

What Items Benefit from Climate Control:

    • Wooden Furniture: Prevents warping, cracking, or swelling due to temperature changes.
    • Electronics and Appliances: Shields from rust, corrosion, and internal damage.
    • Artwork and Photographs: Protects against degradation, fading, and moisture damage.
    • Musical Instruments: Maintains integrity and tuning by preventing warping and moisture damage.
    • Wine: Preserves quality and taste by maintaining optimal temperature and humidity.
    • Important Documents: Prevents yellowing, sticking, and deterioration over time.

Determining if You Need a Climate-Controlled Unit: Consider the following factors to decide if a climate-controlled unit is necessary for your needs:

    • Storage Duration: Long-term storage increases the risk of damage from environmental factors.
    • Item Sensitivity: Evaluate if your items are susceptible to temperature, humidity, or pests.
    • Climate: Areas with extreme temperatures, high humidity, or significant seasonal changes might necessitate climate control.
    • Value (Emotional or Monetary): High-value or irreplaceable items deserve the extra protection climate-controlled units offer.

While climate-controlled units might come with a higher price tag than standard units, the added cost provides peace of mind and protection for your valuable and sensitive items. If your stored belongings don’t fall into the sensitive category and you’re storing short-term or in a mild climate, a standard 5×5 unit could suffice. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific storage needs and the importance of the items you intend to store.

When storing your personal or business belongings in a 5×5 storage unit, the security of the facility should be a top priority. A well-secured storage unit not only protects your items from theft but also provides peace of mind. Let’s explore the common security features provided by storage facilities and understand why good security is crucial.

Overview of Common Security Measures:

    • Gated Access: Most facilities are equipped with a gated entry system that requires a code or a security pass, ensuring only authorized individuals can enter.
      24/7 Surveillance
    • Cameras: Continuous monitoring via CCTV cameras helps deter theft and vandalism, recording any suspicious activity.
    • Well-Lit Premises: Adequate lighting is essential for safety and security, making the facility less inviting to potential burglars and easier for cameras to capture clear footage.
    • Individual Unit Alarms: Some facilities offer units with individual alarms that notify the facility manager or local law enforcement if unauthorized access is detected.
    • On-Site Management: Having staff present during business hours can significantly enhance security, as it provides immediate response to any issues that may arise.
    • Key Padlocks or Cylinder Locks: High-quality locks are your first defense against break-ins. Many facilities recommend or provide locks that are difficult to tamper with or cut.

Importance of Good Security for Your Belongings: Good security measures are essential for protecting not just the physical value of your stored items but also the sentimental value that cannot be quantified. Whether you’re storing household goods, business inventory, or personal treasures, the assurance that these items are safe allows you to focus on other aspects of your life or business with one less worry.

Investing in a storage unit with robust security features may come at a premium, but it’s worth the added expense for the protection it offers. Before choosing a storage facility, take the time to visit the location, review their security measures, and ask questions about their security protocols. This due diligence will ensure that your chosen 5×5 storage unit provides the security and safety your belongings deserve.

Renting a 5×5 storage unit is a convenient solution for extra space needs. However, the cost can vary widely based on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of what affects the pricing and how you can secure the best deal for your storage needs.

Average Prices and Factors That Affect Cost: The average monthly cost for a 5×5 storage unit can range from $40 to $60 in less expensive areas and from $75 to $120 in high-demand urban areas. Several factors influence this cost, including:

    • Location: Proximity to city centers or areas with high real estate prices usually translates to higher rental costs.
    • Climate Control: Units with climate control features typically cost more than standard units due to the added technology and energy expenses.
    • Security Features: Facilities with advanced security measures may charge more, reflecting the enhanced protection provided.
    • Accessibility: Ground-level units or those with drive-up access might command a premium over units located on upper levels or those requiring elevator access.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals:

    • Compare Prices: Look at several facilities in your area to compare prices and special offers.
    • Ask About Promotions: Many storage companies offer promotions, such as the first month free or discounted rates for extended commitments.
    • Location: Sometimes, facilities just outside a major city or in a neighboring suburb offer significantly lower rates.
    • Negotiate: Don’t hesitate to negotiate the price, especially if you plan on long-term rental.

Understanding Rental Agreements and Insurance Options: Before signing a rental agreement, read it thoroughly to understand the terms, including payment schedules, late fees, and the facility’s policies on vacating the unit. Also, inquire about the facility’s insurance coverage and consider purchasing additional insurance if your homeowners or renters insurance doesn’t cover stored items. This ensures compensation in case of theft, damage, or loss due to unforeseen circumstances.

Insurance options vary, so choose a plan that best suits the value of your stored belongings, considering factors like deductibles and coverage limits.

By keeping these aspects in mind, you can make an informed decision on renting a 5×5 storage unit that meets your needs without overspending. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best; balance cost with the features and security that matter most to you.

The convenience of accessing your 5×5 storage unit is an important aspect to consider when choosing the right facility for your storage needs. Whether you’re storing seasonal decorations, sports equipment, or business inventory, how and when you can access your belongings will impact your overall storage experience. Here’s a breakdown of access types and the common rules or regulations you might encounter.

Types of Access:

24/7 Access: Some facilities offer around-the-clock access, allowing you to enter your storage unit at any time. This is particularly useful for businesses that might need to retrieve items outside of regular working hours or individuals who work unconventional schedules.

Business Hours Access: Other facilities restrict access to their standard business hours, which can vary but typically align with the usual 9 AM to 5 PM workday. This option may suit those who only need occasional access to their stored items.

Electronic or Keycard Access: Many modern storage facilities use electronic gates and keycard systems to control entry, enhancing security while providing convenient access for renters.

Rules and Regulations for Unit Access:

Check-In Procedures: Some facilities may require you to check in or out when accessing your unit, especially outside of normal business hours, to maintain security and monitor who is on the premises.

ID Verification: Be prepared to show identification, especially if the facility’s staff does not recognize you or if you are accessing your unit during after-hours.

Guest Access: If someone else needs access to your unit, you may need to provide written authorization or accompany them, depending on the facility’s policy.

Access During Emergencies: Understand the procedure for accessing your unit in case of emergencies. Facilities may have specific protocols in place, including who to contact and how access is granted during such times.
When choosing a storage unit, consider how often you’ll need access and whether the facility’s access types and rules align with your needs. Always clarify these details before signing a rental agreement to ensure the arrangement works for you. Knowing you can access your belongings when needed provides peace of mind and makes the storage experience much more convenient.

While a 5×5 storage unit offers a convenient solution for many storage needs, there might come a time when you need to consider alternatives. Whether your belongings have outgrown the space or you’re looking for different features, knowing your options can help you make the best decision for your situation. Here are other storage options and insights on when to consider upgrading to a larger unit.

Other Storage Options:

    • Locker Units: For those who find a 5×5 unit too spacious or costly for their minimal storage needs, locker-sized units offer a compact and more affordable alternative for storing a few items.
    • 10×10 Units: This option provides double the floor space, suitable for storing the contents of a one-bedroom apartment, including furniture and appliances.
    • 10×15 or 10×20 Units: Ideal for those needing to store the contents of a two to three-bedroom house, or for businesses requiring space for inventory and equipment.
      Outdoor Storage: For vehicles, RVs, boats, or landscaping equipment, outdoor storage spaces can offer the security and accessibility you need.

When to Upgrade to a Larger Unit:

    • Accumulation of Items: If you find yourself running out of space in your 5×5 unit or stacking boxes too high, it’s likely time to consider a larger size.
    • Lifestyle Changes: Major life events like moving, marriage, or expanding your family often come with additional belongings that necessitate more storage space.
    • Business Growth: For business owners, an increase in inventory or the need for equipment storage may require upgrading to a larger unit.
    • Ease of Access: A larger unit can offer more room to organize your items, making them easier to access and manage.

Transitioning Between Sizes: If you decide it’s time to move to a larger unit, check with your storage facility for availability and potential deals for existing customers. Some facilities offer a seamless transition between units, sometimes even within the same building, making the upgrade process straightforward.

Before making the switch, reassess your storage needs to ensure you’re choosing the right size for your current and near-future needs. Remember, the goal is to find a balance between having enough space for your belongings while not paying for unused space.

Exploring alternatives to a 5×5 storage unit or deciding to upgrade involves evaluating your space requirements, budget, and future needs. With a range of sizes and options available, you can find the perfect storage solution that grows with you.

5×5 storage units, often perceived as mere spaces for storing boxes or unused furniture, have a multitude of real-life applications that showcase their versatility and value. From serving as an extension of personal and professional spaces to fostering hobbies, these units are a testament to creative and practical use. Here are some compelling case studies and customer stories that highlight the innovative uses of 5×5 storage units.

Case Study 1: The Small Business Owner Jessica, a local artisan, utilizes a 5×5 storage unit to manage her inventory of handmade crafts. The space serves as her mini-warehouse, where she organizes supplies, finished products, and packaging materials. This strategy allows her to maintain a clutter-free home studio and efficiently manage her growing online business.

Case Study 2: The Urban Gardener In the heart of the city, where outdoor space is a luxury, David found an innovative way to pursue his gardening hobby. His 5×5 unit stores seasonal gardening tools, pots, soil, and even a small hydroponic system. This creative solution gives him the flexibility to swap out his balcony garden setups with the changing seasons.

Case Study 3: The Adventure Enthusiast Avid kayaker and mountain biker, Sam, uses his 5×5 storage unit to store his gear. By keeping his expensive equipment in a secure, climate-controlled unit, he not only frees up space in his apartment but also ensures his gear is ready and in top condition for every adventure.

Case Study 4: The Fashion Collector Maria, a fashion enthusiast with a penchant for vintage clothing, uses her 5×5 unit as an extension of her closet. This space allows her to rotate her wardrobe seasonally, store delicate vintage pieces properly, and keep her living space uncluttered. Her storage unit acts as a personal boutique, where she treasures finds and plans future outfits.

Creative Uses Beyond Simple Storage:

    • Art Studios: Artists converting units into temporary studios for painting or sculpture.
    • Music Practice Rooms: Musicians soundproofing units for undisturbed practice sessions.
    • Personal Gyms: Fitness enthusiasts setting up workout equipment for private sessions.
    • Meditation Retreats: Individuals creating calm, dedicated spaces for meditation and yoga.

These real-life uses demonstrate the flexibility and potential of 5×5 storage units to adapt to personal and professional needs, proving that with a bit of creativity, these spaces can become much more than just a place to store your extra stuff.

Planning Your Move with Storage in Mind

At modSTORAGE we have a variety of units to choose from!

When incorporating storage into your moving plan, it’s important to assess:

  • Duration: Determine how long you will need to store your items. This decision will influence whether you opt for temporary or long-term storage solutions.
  • Inventory: Make a detailed list of items you plan to store, paying special attention to items that may require climate-controlled conditions.
  • Space Requirements: Estimate the amount of storage space needed based on your inventory. Many storage providers offer size calculators to help with this estimation.

The diversity of moving storage solutions caters to a wide range of needs, from those requiring short-term options during transitional periods to individuals seeking specialized conditions for valuable possessions. Understanding the types of storage available allows you to make informed decisions tailored to the specific requirements of your move, ensuring your belongings are securely stored and in pristine condition when you’re ready to settle into your new space.


"They were courteous, helpful, prompt and highly organized which was a true lifesaver as our move was on short notice. As storage customers, I have known Marlene, Jesse and their team, for over a year. They are always a pleasure to work with and have gone above and beyond for me, on multiple occasions, under tight turnaround schedules."

Flat Rate Moving

Flat Rate Moving powered by modMOVERS Whether you’re downsizing, relocating, or simply in need of extra space to store your possessions, self storage units provide a secure, flexible, and convenient option. modSTORAGE along with modMOVERS are committed to making your move, and storage experience as easy and seamless as possible. Call us to book your move or reserve your storage unit at


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